Learn Javanese and immerse yourself in this cultural tapestry of a language from Indonesia!
Javanese, or baṣa Jawa, is the spoken language of over 75 million people in the central and eastern parts of the island of Java, in Indonesia, and in Suriname.
The Javanese culture centers around a complicated etiquette structure, much of which centers on the proper use of language, which can be problematical. This is because when addressing someone, Javanese speakers must choose from several different levels of politeness, with a triad of words or phrases for each meaning. This can be a little tricky to get right, especially as it is linked to status and therefore open to interpretation!
Indonesia is centrally located along ancient trading routes between the Far East and the Middle East, which means that over time its culture and language has had many influences.
Learn Javanese and immerse yourself in this cultural tapestry of a language of Indonesia!
With our Javanese Starter Microlearning Course, you can:
Course features:
20 Lessons
Full Lifetime Access
Available on Web
Certificate of completion
623 Enrolled